Monday, November 08, 2010

#83: Breakfast for Lunch

Oh, faithful readers (Hi, L!). We are sorry for the way We have treated you.  Neglectfully.  Without consideration.  We have been a Rude King.  Sneakiness, yes, but abandonment?  No!  That is not the way of the Kingdom!

Sans camera today, We thought to Ourself, well, a crappy phone photo is better than no photo at all.  And so We took a phone photo.  Then we thought, Self, We can e-mail that to Ourself, and then post it for the citizenry!  And that is what We have done.  So it is Our hope that you will enjoy it despite the questionable quality.

Today, We are sickies.  We have some sort of aggravating head cold thing.  The Royal Nose leaks (and is now dry and scratchy and scabby on the outside).  The Royal Head is full of heavy and hurt.  The Royal Limbs are listless and pasty. 

So We brought comforting lunch.  Gentle, mildly sweet foods.  All the components came in separate little cute tubs, and then were added together when We remembered to take a photo. 

In the red panda bowl on the left is vanilla lowfat yogurt and frozen blueberries.  We almost never buy the yogurt w/ sugar in it, so this was appallingly deliciously ice-creamy!  The blue bowl is 1-minute oats (not the sugary instant packet crap, just regular oats--albeit the instant, not-as-good-for-you kind), walnuts, and cinnamon.  After it was rehydrated We put sliced banana in.  Yum.  We feel nourished and able to go teach a second class!

Er, mostly.