Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bento #101: Burger Time!

For this post, today We have a delicious burger-based lunch!  Along with the burger, which We will detail shortly, We have the eternal apple and carrots.  The water in Our bottle is cloudy because We have a shameful weakness for the Propel packets of powder that you chuck in a bottle and thus produce sports drink.  However, We put them in a full liter of water instead of the ridiculous 16 oz. they recommend.  That would produce a hideous thick syrup. 

Every now and then, We get a craving for a burger.  However, do We want actual animal product?  Clearly not!  So what is it We are missing?  The device, naturally!  So here is a stunt meat burger--We believe it's one of the Amy's ones, but We are not certain--on shame bread.  Underneath the burger is a nice thin layer of Rhinegeld, one of Our favorite grainy mustards.  On top is cheese that failed to melt, ketchup, and sweet pickled daikon radish.

Now wait a minute, you may say.  Sweet pickled daikon?  Isn't that stuff stinky and thus bad for burgerdom? Yes, dear citizen, it surely is stinky.  And it is also delicious, with a nice bitter/sour/sweet edge that, strangely enough, is perfect against ketchup.  As you will no doubt remember, there is a vast and abiding love of pickled items in the Sneaky Kingdom.  Frankly, if you soak anything in either salt or vinegar or both, We will probably eat it with joy.  And so We do indeed make many of Our own pickles, because honestly, the store thinks the only thing that can be pickled is cucumber.  Fools!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bento #100: In Which King Asher Did Not Plan An Awesome Celebratory Lunch

Here is TMT with green onion, carrots as a nice little barrier, Irish soda bread, and an apple.

The soda bread is indeed homemade, but We think it is an error.  We made it because We wanted bread, stat! but did not want to have to knead or fuss about with biscuits.  The result: the world's biggest, heaviest biscuit.  It was okay, but deeply, profoundly dense.  And unfortunately, because of its crumbly-biscuity texture, cannot be sliced super-thin, which is what one does with super-dense bread.  So big hunks of too-dense bread product.  Kind of gross.  Kind of shameful, We think.

TMT, however, will never let Us down.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bento #99: Split-Pea and Garlic Cheese Bread

Here We have a delicious soup lunch!  Every now and then, We get a freakishly intense craving for split pea soup.  And no surprise.  It's a delicious, protein-and-fiber heavy, warm food to eat during the sticky-cold FL winters.  So here is a thermos of homemade split pea soup, which We make in the Crock Pot, some of the ubiquitous carrots, and a super-delicious bread that We made when We and Our friends had a Sherlock-viewing party. 

Have you seen Sherlock?  It's this fantastic reboot of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but the gimmick is that it's not set in Victorian London, but modern-day London.  So instead of sending Watson aggravating notes, Sherlock sends him aggravating texts.  Ha!  It's charming.  Watson is the dude that was Arthur Dent in the Hitchhiker reboot, which is very pleasing; We love that actor's attention to body language.  And Holmes is played by--wait for it--Benedict Cumberbatch.  Isn't that the Best Name Ever?  Benedict Cumberbatch.  It's absolutely unreal!  And the dude does indeed do a wonderfully creepy/endearing Holmes, which We think is one of the benefits of the newer Sherlock versions--in the stories, Holmes is an utter jerk. Says the most awful, condescending things, besides being an addictive personality in about four different ways--which alwyas produces charming folks.  It's why House works so well--they demonstrate the jerky side of Holmes and the enabling side of Watson.  The Sherlock plots are new but full of fun easter eggs for people who are well read.

Here's the bread We made for that party: Garlic-Cheese Bread .  It was really, really tasty.