Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bento #29: Some Stuff We Found in the Fridge

We were at T-24 for prelims when We packed this lunch.  Yes, this was the day before the written exam, and We had a thousand more pressing things to freak out about than lunch.  So this was definitely a "er, is there food here anywhere?" kind of lunch.  We suspect that Our fridge was also a bit on the empty side at this point, due to nonstop studying. 

This is why this lunch is clearly not enough food for a lunch.  We suspect that, all told, there were about 250 calories here.  Maybe (remember the oil in the bear).  We know that this is not a lunch.  This is a large snack.  We do not suggest that anyone else bring this for lunch unless, as We did, you go home about three hours after eating it and eat another snack.

You can see what it is for yourself: spinach and tomato salad with vinegar and oil in the little bear; an apple, and a greek yogurt.  This yogurt also sucked.  Which is not to say it was bad, necessarily, but just that it tasted like slightly thickened regular yogurt.  We mean, it was probably 20 times better than that terrible nonfat 90 calorie yogurt the Queen (Our Mama! <3) eats for lunch, but We generally eat a tastier yogurt, so this particular yogurt was not so impressive. 

Royal Decree:  All yogurt must have a minimum of 1% fat content.  2% is better.  More fat is at your own discretion.

Notes for figuring out the King's family, as royal lineages are often quite complex: We, Asher, are the King.  Our Mom prefers the title "Queen."  Our Grandma is the Queen Mother.  Our Dad is a knight, the Royal Man-at-Arms, Captain of the Royal Guard, etc. unless the Queen is irritated with him, at which point he is the Royal Concubine, a role he plays well and with humor. 

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