Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bento #30: Another "Oh no, what's for lunch?" Lunch

Oh, where would the Sneaky Kingdom be without fried rice?  Hungry, that's where.  The Ubiquitous Fried Rice, some strawberries, and the interested l'il Learning Walrus that We made when We were learning to make stuffs out of clay.  Learning Walrus would like some noms?  Then who are We to deny him!

Man, We tell you, this was the first day out of the prelims closet, and it was a struggle to get this lunch made.  If fried rice weren't basically as easy as making a sandwich, We would have been screwed. Our royal brain was so completely toast.

But let it be said--it was all in good pursuits.  After all, We passed with distinction, not an easy honor to get.  Our committee said that Our exam and oral defense of it was one of the best they'd ever seen.  They sounded excited about the bits of Our exam that pointed towards Our dissertation ideas, and seemed ready and excited to jump in on that process, which bodes really well for Us finishing Our dis in a year (all the funding Our university is willing to give Us).  Oh, We are so relieved.  So happy.  So grateful to be someone who has the protected little life to let Her think these complicated and fun thoughts. 

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