Here is an interesting lunch in a box We don't think you've seen! Sadly, We don't have a full picture of it, but it's a cute little bento jar with the above two main compartments. It works well when there are two sort of wet foods that you don't want to touch.
So, in the jar on the right, there is a lentils and brown rice combo. It looks sort of unappetizing, but that's cheese melted over the top, and it's quite yummy. It took Us a while to figure out what it tasted like, and cool or room-temp, this stuff tastes sort of like something we ate in Our elementary school cafeteria, We realize, and it triggers a long-ago taste memory that was hard to put down. But there was a strange pizza-like device that tasted of tomatoes and a little spicy and with melted cheese on top and if those things had tasted good, they would taste like this rice dish does when it's cold. That makes it sound undesirable. Let Us assure yout that it is not. It is very, very tasty.
In the right jar, there's a sliced nectarine with yogurt and a little bit of cane sugar.
This was a good and desirable lunch, but We needed a snack before the gym (which is at the difficult-not-to-be-starving hour of 5 p.m.), or We were gonna die. So We went to the hippie grocery for trail mix. Yum.
And yes, We ate this in the car. Don't judge.
(this is the sound of me judging you)
ReplyDeleteFortunately, We will exercise Our Royal Prerogative to Not Hear You. Instead We will hum a little song. If you would like to hum along, it will be "Seven" by Prince, who We have a cousinly affection for.